Message in a Bottle

More than 6 million Message in a Bottle kits have been distributed by Lions Clubs in the British Isles to people with conditions such as diabetes, allergies, disabilities and life-threatening illnesses.
Clubs are able to provide Message in a Bottle within their local communities free of charge thanks to fund-raising and generous donations from the public and businesses. It is not just vulnerable people who benefit from Message in a Bottle. Anyone with health conditions could have an accident at home.
The Message in a Bottle kit includes a form, where personal and medical information is detailed. This is placed in the bottle (with its distinctive green branding), which is stored in the fridge. Two stickers are provided: one for the fridge door and the other for the inside of the front door of the premises.

Message in a Bottle

This is a voluntary scheme for anybody living at home, who might be reassured to know that essential information would be readily available to the Emergency Services – not only to identify you, but to advise on relevant illnesses, allergies, medicaiton and contact addresses should you suffer an accident or sudden illness.
The ‘bottle’ contains a sheet which you complete with all your details plus a sticker to go on the outside of your fridge and the inside of your front door alert the Emergency Services and you pop the ‘bottle’ in your fridge with completed details.
If you feel this would be good for you – please contact us or South Milford Surgery – we will be happy to supply you with a pack.