Easter Egg Raffle 2020

You may well have arrived at this page as a result of clicking on the QR code at a venue where a giant Easter Egg is being raffled. There are more than 20 in the Sherburn and Elmet district, mostly in pubs but schools and churches too.


The Easter Egg raffle is one of the fundraising campaigns that we run throughout the year, which include Santa’s sleigh in December, cake stalls at local fairs, an inter-pub quiz competition (100 questions in 30 minutes) and a Race night held last year in Church Fenton village hall.

All these events raise money for our Charity account from which we make donations to local, national and international causes.

We are a local volunteer organisation, part of an internationl network of Lions clubs and are recognised by the United Nations as the largest NGO (Non-Government Organisation) in the world.

If you would like to be part of Lions Clubs Interntional and make a difference why not join us?

Contact us here

Egg raffle board